Please read the Terms of Use carefully. These are the General Terms and Conditions governing your access to and use of this website ( If you do not agree with them, you should not go further to If you continue to use and / or any of the services listed on www., you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
All Content on this website and the website in general is the property of its copyright and is governed by national and international copyright law, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Reproduction, republishing, copying, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, translation, modification in any way, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Standyfine is expressly prohibited.
Exceptionally, the individual storage and copying of parts of the content on a simple personal computer is allowed for strictly personal use, without the intention of commercial or other exploitation and always under the condition of indicating its source, without this meaning in any way granting copyright property.
The names and trademarks contained on this website and in general on the Standyfine website are registered trademarks of itself or third parties.
Anything that appears on this website and in general on the Standyfine website and is the subject of intellectual or industrial property is the sole responsibility of their respective sphere.
Content Change
The information and content contained on this website and in general on the Standyfine website are subject to change at the discretion of Standyfine without prior notice to the public.
Network liability limitation
Boxyfine, without warranty or liability, makes every effort to ensure that the information and all content is governed by the utmost accuracy, clarity, timeliness, completeness, accuracy and availability. In no event, including this negligence, will Standyfine be liable for any damage caused to the public as a result of this use of the website.
Standyfine in no way guarantees the uninterrupted supply of its applications and content.
Standyfine is therefore not liable in any way for any loss or loss of profit, direct or indirect damage.
The obligations of the public
The public must, on the one hand, comply with the provisions of Greek, European and International Law, and on the other hand refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior during the use of this website and the Standyfine website in general.
Standyfine sends newsletters only to subscribers who have chosen to receive newsletters and is fully technically compatible with mailing regulations. Standyfine allows newsletter subscribers to unsubscribe from the mailing list. The registration and deletion in the newsletter is done through a process of checking the authenticity of the subscriber’s email address (opt-in, opt-out).
Newsletter subscribers’ emails are used for this purpose only and for no other purpose. When a subscriber chooses to unsubscribe from the recipient lists, then his email is permanently deleted.
The newsletters that the public receives by subscribing to the mailing lists are the intellectual property of Standyfine and are therefore protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law and international conventions. Standyfine reserves the right not to add a person to the recipient lists or to delete them from them.
Liability for third party content
Standyfine is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it links through links, hyperlinks or banner ads, nor does it warrant their availability. The referral to other websites is for the convenience of the public and in no case creates any form of commitment of Standyfine, and problems that will arise during the visit/use of the websites to which this refers refer exclusively to the sphere of responsibility of the respective websites, where the public should also go.
Modifications to the Terms of Use
Standyfine reserves the right to modify these terms from time to time for a specific and important reason by informing the public in a timely manner, in a visible place on the websites and in accordance with applicable law. Use of the Services by the public after being informed according to the above for modification of the terms of use, implies acceptance of these modifications.
Standyfine reserves the right to modify the services provided through the websites or to temporarily or permanently suspend the operation of the websites for certain and specific reasons and when it deems it necessary or prudent.
It hereby expressly agrees that in the event that any action, claim, administrative or judicial proceeding arising against the website arising out of any form of infringement of the user, the user undertakes on the one hand to intervene in the relevant legal proceedings and on the other to compensate the website. in case he is obliged to pay compensation or other expenses.
Applicable law and other terms
This contract of use is governed by the provisions of Greek Law, the directives and Regulations of European Law and the relevant International provisions, and is interpreted on the basis of the rules of good faith, transactional ethics and the economic and social purpose of the law.
If a provision is deemed contrary to the law and therefore invalid or void, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any case affecting the validity of the other terms.
No modification of the terms of this contract will be considered and will not be part of it, if it has not been formulated in writing and has not been incorporated in it.
The competent courts for any disputes arising on the occasion of this contract are the Greek courts.